Posted on 7/30/2016

My coolant level is dropping but I don’t see any leaks. This could be caused by an internal coolant leak from a failed head gasket or from a porous cylinder head casting. We have had two vehicles in the shop recently that were losing coolant with no visible leaks. We found them both to be leaking through the cylinder head casting and getting into the engine oil. If you have any fluid levels that are dropping with no visible leaks don’t ignore it. It could lead to more expensive repairs the longer it’s put off. #coolantleak #fluidleak #overheating #lowlevel
Posted on 7/6/2016

As summer is here you should have your A/C system checked to make sure it’s full and the cabin filter is clean. But if your system is already not getting cold, it needs to get a look, if the refrigerant is low there has to be a leak, refrigerant won’t evaporate. Many times it can be hard to find the leak and we will want to add dye to the system and have you come back to check it again, a hassle for sure but sometimes there’s no other way. #coldAC #warmair #blowinghot